Strawberries Become Paleontologists and “Visit” Ireland


Hello Strawberry parents!

Welcome to the month of March! The strawberries have been exploring their new classroom and they love it, you’re all welcome to come in and take a look. The beginning of the month is filled with exploration and experimentation. As the strawberries learn about dinosaurs, plant life cycle and even becoming paleontologists!

Monthly Curriculum

Theme: Environment

Value: Respecting nature

Color: green

Multicultural Visit: Ireland

Animal: Dinosaur

Community Helper: Chef

Additional Theme: Plant Life cycles

Letters/Sounds:  Uu, Jj, Kk

Shape:  pentagon

Numbers: 30-40

Outing: Natural History Museum

As in every preschool classroom, these plans may evolve to better suit the interests of the children. I will be updating parents with pictures, videos, and write ups of what the children are learning and doing during the day. These will be posted to our Brightwheel app.

** Week one


This week, the strawberries will discuss their favorite extinct animal, Dinosaurs!! They will learn how dinosaurs became extinct and how the earth looked like centuries ago. We will compare and contrast the environments from today to the past.  They will also become paleontologists and have a digging site in the dramatic area. In addition, they will also learn about plant life cycles.


The strawberries will be writing and tracing the letter Jj and its corresponding words and Phonic sound.


Throughout the week we will be incoperating math in our daily activities by counting, measuring and/or making patterns. We will also be practicing identifying, writing, and creating our numbers 30-40 using Montessori boards/beads.

* The strawberries are going to find out how long a T-rex is by using a measuring tape.

* How many feet does it take to fill in a T-rex foot print? the strawberries will find out and document their findings.

Science :

The strawberries will be learning about our environment and the letter J.  Therefore, We will be conducting a rainy cloud in a jar expirement!


* We will be making our very own dinosaur eggs and fossils!


* The strawberries are going to be learning about plant lif cycles through books and experimentation. Therefore, We will have a gardening sensory bin.

Week two

This week, we’ll be leaving the wonderful country of China and taking a trip to the fantastic country of Ireland! Also known as the Emerald Isle because of its lush green grass. We will locate it on a map and talk about its traditional culture, dances, wardrobe and historic landmarks. In addition, we will be learning about chefs.


The strawberries will be writing and tracing the letter Kk and its corresponding words and Phonic sound.

* writting the letter kk on rainbow salt trays.


Throughout the week we will be incoperating math in our daily activities, by counting, measuring and/or making patterns.

Art:   We will discuss the folktale of the mischievous Leprechaun who hides coins in a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

* We will be making a plot of gold with construction paper.

* The strawberries will be making shamrocks with their hands.


* We will be experiencing a green baking soda explotion.


* The strawberries will find gold number coins in a bin filled with rainbow rice!

Upcoming Events

PLAY Family Outing

Saturday, March 10th!

The entire school community is invited to meet up at The Natural History Museum on Saturday March 10^th at 10am. Please have your child wear their PLAY shirt so others know you are with our school group!

These monthly outings, ‘Field Trips’, are aligned with our themed curriculum and give your child the opportunity to share what they are learning in class with you. They also give families the opportunity to meet each other and make new friends! You might even see a teacher there with their family!


– If you plan on parking in our lot, we ask that you please limit your stay to 10 minutes. Lingering in the lot makes it difficult for other parents trying to Pick Up/Drop Off their child on time.

– I know saying goodbye can be hard, but you can do it and so can your child!! Remember to keep a consistent routine throughout the year, prepare your child for your departure, validate their feelings, and remind them that you will be back.

– Hot lunch will continue to be $5 when ordered in advance, however if ordered the day of or by the week it will be billed at $6.

– Show and Tell is every Friday! Encourage your child to bring in a special toy of their choice to share with the class. Show & Tell is great because it’s fun for the kids and simultaneously enhances effective communication, strengthens their vocabulary , improves their listening skills, and promotes self confidence.

– Date Night is every other Saturday from 5:00pm-12:00am. $15/hr for an individual child or $20/hr for a pair of siblings (min. charge is $60). Dinner and a movie are also provided.

– We are now NUT FREE! We have a number of students in the school allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, in order to keep them safe we ask that you please do not send your child to school with any products containing nuts. If you would like a list of nut-free food suggestions let me know and I will get you a list!

– And lastly, a personal request from myself, please try to label all of your child’s items! Many families buy the same things and sometimes other students or teachers may move your child’s items mistakenly; labeling your things will greatly help avoid any mishaps!

If you have any other questions about the parent handbook feel free to ask myself, Gabriel, or Ms. Annie.

School Calendar 2017


Saturday – 10th – Date Night with Ms. Cynthia

Friday – 16th – Celebrating St Patrick’s Day

Tuesday – 20th – Egg Hunt

Friday – 23rd to 2nd – NO SCHOOL- Spring Break


Tuesday – 3rd- Back from Spring Break

Saturday – 7th- Date Night with Mrs. Gloria

Saturday -21st – Date Night with Ms. Jennifer